Jessica Cox

Sign & Grow with Me

Jessica Cox


Las Vegas, Nevada
United States, 89110


Baby Signing Time Instructor




Hi! I’m Jessica, mom of 4 hearing children.  I took an ASL 101 semester class for fun after college and later went to a signing Mommy & Me class when my oldest was 10 months old.  Signing Time was just getting started then and I quickly knew it was a going to be an awesome parenting resource and great way to communicate with my baby and future children.  We have loved the advantage of using sign to communicate with each other and with the younger siblings from the beginning.  My youngest is now 5 years old in kindergarten and we still enjoy using signs while communicating through speech as well as still viewing all the various Signing Time shows.

I graduated with an Elementary Education Teaching BA degree and Music Minor. (I LOVE to sing which makes Signing Time perfect for me!)  I taught in my own classroom for 2 years, 1 year in New Mexico(first grade), and another in Arizona(fourth grade).  I spent a year in between those, substituting in several Utah county school districts simultaneously; teaching all grades K-6 as well as in a special education classroom setting once a week.

My family loves Baby Signing Time, and all other learning tools given for fun and learning through Two Little Hands Productions.  I would love to help make a difference in the lives of your family by helping you to use sign together as a means of early communication and bonding.

Contact - Jessica Cox